Leading a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)

Strong leadership to develop cohesive and sustainable multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) in a primary care setting is key to supporting and empowering service users within their own communities-being seen by the right person at the right time in the right place and supporting people to live their best lives.

MDTs are the mechanism for organising and coordinating health, social care and voluntary services to meet the needs of individuals with complex care needs.

This programme will support participants to develop their system leadership skills, alongside developing an awareness and understanding of how to apply these skills to deliver true personalised care.

The offer will provide an opportunity for peer-led learning, through facilitated Application Learning Groups. These groups, in conjunction with the theory will support greater understanding of both the landscape they are working in, as well as the challenges of developing a strong, collaborative team of people from various professional backgrounds and team cultures, who are coming together for the shared aim of putting the patient at the centre of the conversation. As the programme is pan-regional, it will offer participants the opportunity of learning from colleagues across the country.

This is a pan-regional programme with a limited number of places. We are therefore keen to ensure that the right individuals have the opportunity of participating and that they have the support and sponsorship of both their line-manager and the wider system that they are working within.

Who is this programme for?

Individuals responsible for developing, facilitating and leading MDT working.

Do you know of someone who:

  • Is a strong voice for the culture of MDT working?
  • Is involved in facilitating or leading an MDT?
  • Is responsible for developing an MDT to support their local teams and communities?
  • Wants to be able to demonstrate and evidence the value of the MDT model of working?
  • Will be keen to and supported to champion the spread of MDT working?


If you have any questions about the Croydon GP Collaborative, or you would like to know more about the services we offer, how to make a compliment or complaint, then you can do so via our contact us page.

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